Our new Eden for product developmentIt had to be the right place. The right environment. The right moment. The development of a product is, in essence, about introspection. But it requires lots of interaction with the world, too. Needs of inspiration and good vibes, and it all has to happen when you have access to your work materials: you need to be in your tailored atelier. Our workshop is born in the guts of an ancient watermill. Centuries ago, the emplacement served as a convent and, later, belonged to the Lords of La Sarra. This emblematic place called Le Moulin Bornu, was also known at that time as The Middle of the World, and links both Rhone and Rhine and, further, Mediterranean Sea with Nordic Sea. Today, it has been re-adapted for the local industry, and there we gather a variety of enterprises, from service companies, to construction, blacksmiths, restaurants, artists... The watermill has turned a hydroelectric power station providing electricity to local areas. Everyday, we pass right close to the river basin to enter to the workshop. Isn't it magic? So it is to count with a part of the old watermill mechanism right inside our workspace :) Old-tech and new-tech gathered in the same place! What we do thereSuch an adequate environment brings a flow of things to do:
Some facts
EeD's design stage is about carbon neutral, produces very limited waste, and optimises available material resources Soon, we will share some images of how we refurbished the place and how it looks like with you :)
Find the place here! This is the first piece of a kind interview that Kelly Logan, managing director at Logan & Partners, made me at the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne. Kelly is much interested in getting deeper knowledge about Circular Economy. So, he contacted Eco-efficient Design to know more about it from an ecodesigner's perspective. We talked for quite long, but in this short fragment I introduce the concept of ecoefficiency and how this objective is so important for a company...and how it happened to name our product design agency. - Santiago - A half-full glass
A pen is a mighty tool
Isn't it amazing how fast and free a child's mind can move? How simple they find connections in a disperse Venn diagram? How constrained we are by logic? Keep it simple and enjoy it! - Santiago
Helping older people: an additional motivation
This will be a product created by end-users for the benefit of themselves. We are just putting engineering to work, translating needs into well-being, physical limitations into freedom. Design Thinking in its purest state to create an innovative fall-preventive zimmer frame.
Needless to say that, the product will strictly follow all ecodesign rules to provide a top-quality solution without harming the environment. Well...we have just said it :) Junto con nuetro curso online sobre Biometano Vehicular, hemos creado también un curso genérico y extenso sobre biometano. En él podrás aprender cómodamente a tu ritmo qué son el el biogás y el biometano, en que se parecen y diferencian del gas natural, sus recursos y sistemas de producción, sus multiples usos. También podrás conocer sus consecuencias de cara a una Economía Circular y su potencial medioambiental.
¡El curso comienza en breve! Podrás encontrar más información y la matrícula en este link. ¡Apúntate! Nueva edición del curso online Biometano Vehicular, ofrecido por Eco-efficient Design a través de la plataforma de Structuralia.
Aprende desde casa y a tu ritmo cómo se producen el biogás y el biometano, y sus aplicaciones, beneficios, y consecuencias en el sector vehicular. Más información y matrícula en https://www.structuralia.com/formacion/biometano-vehicular ¡Apúntate! Comienza el 19 de septiembre. |