By the end of 2018, Daniel and me had created the one-million-dollar-ideas list (yes: it is) which contains a set of tens of product conceptions we know can effectively disrupt the Market. So, a lot of IP generated... but still we had a hard work ahead to develop and commercialise it all. We were such freaks of design that we had put aside the transition from drawings to money :$ Naveen just came to our SOS call. Naveen: the ever-ready-to-work guyA working session with Naveen is always special. Discussing a commercial plan can take to a dissertation about the sense of life, or vice-versa. I remember chatting about his neighbour's hydroponic farm and, I don't know how, ending up devising a new business opportunity for coastal Europe. Working at full throttleNaveen is positiveness in person; the kind of fellow any team would need. He is in charge of EeD's commercial duties since 2018 but his tasks actually are going way beyond that. His a naval architect with overwhelming social skills, and a concern for the environment as deep as his knowledge of commercials and business strategies. He's a sea dog always searching for the Blue Ocean. He has continued Vanessa's incredible work and let EeD expand and make real the transition between IP and money. Personally, I always have the feeling that I'm a step behind. His brain works much faster than mine. This forces me everyday to learn something new to catch up. Thank you, pal, for your trustworthiness and resourcefulness.
You rub off your enthusiasm on us. |